Pauline Bitsui, Chief Blanket, Navajo Hand Woven, 49.5" x 48"
The Chief Blanket has a very interesting history among Navajo weavings. Navajo weaver Pauline Bitsui recreates the first style of weavings, blankets. These would have been woven for use or trade with other Indians or the Spanish. She has woven this rug with repeating bands of x using the classic blue and black colors. The Chief Blanket is always a favorite among collectors and this one will make a great addition.Before the trains started coming to this part of the world and businesses like the Fred Harvey Company started selling Navajo jewelry to the masses, most people back east didn't know anything of the Navajo. Traders like JB Moore would be one of the first to introduce the art of the Navajo to collectors back east, rugs not silver. He put together a catalog of different weavings that would be sold in large quantities. More Traders would begin to introduce Navajo weavings and even influence certain styles. Today this tradition is carried on by the Trading Posts. We have a large collection of weavings from classic Ganado Reds to Germantown Revivals. Also, old antiques that have the character that goes with age to the new contemporary weavings. Enjoy looking through our online collection, and remember if you don't see what you are looking for we have many more in the Post.