Cecelia Nelson, Navajo Rug, Burntwater, 24'' x 37''


Navajo artist Cecelia Nelson wove this amazing Burntwater rug. Navajo weavings come in many different sizes, miniatures to huge. This rug is an excellent piece with a very tight weave with extensive colors and patterns. Weaver Cecelia Nelson makes this rug with wonderful commercial colors.Today styles are not defined by regions, but perfected by dedicated weavers from all parts of the Navajo Nations. Burnwater rugs keep that classic diamond pattern combined with natural plant colors. We have put together a large collection of rugs on our online Trading Post and hope you take time to look through them all. Hopefully, you will find the perfect rug. A wonderful Southwest table piece that will impress all who see it. This rug will look perfect anywhere you decide to display it. Enjoy looking through our online collection, and remember if you don't see what you are looking for we have many more in the Post.

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