Sheryl Miller, Rug, Two Grey Hills, Navajo, 35" x 59 1/2"


Traders like JB Moore would be the first to introduce the art of the Navajo to collectors back east, but it was rugs (not silver) that first captured the imaginations collectors and decorators. Following Moore's suit, other traders would begin to market Navajo weaving, even influencing many of the well-known styles. Today styles are not defined by regions, but perfected by dedicated weavers from all parts of the Navajo Nations. We have put together a large collection of rugs on our online Trading Post and hope you take time to look through them all. Hopefully, you will find the perfect rug.

The favorite weaving for many collectors is the Two Grey Hills. Famous because of the natural sheep colors and the stiff feel of churro wool. Many Two Grey Hills will have very complex patterns, and it takes a significant amount of time to realize all of the hidden symbols. Patterned after the classic Diamond designs this is definitely a style you need in your growing collection of rugs.

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