Rhetta Lou Adams, Hopi Coil Plaque, Mud Head 15 1/4" Diameter


Hopi coil basket weaving isn't something you learn overnight. All of the weavers we have baskets from grew up in a house that wove baskets, something that was introduced to them from an early age. You will find these basket weavers on the Second Mesa. We have an interview with Irene Lamayaktewa who talked a little bit about the colors you find and the materials in coil basket. "We make the coil basket from straw and yucca that we pick from areas around Hopi. Many of the colors are from the yucca plant, yellow comes from yucca being harvested in winter, the white is summer, and the green can be picked any time of the year. Also, we will use sunflower for the black and Hopi Tea (hohocy) for the red."Make sure you look through our online collection. We have both baskets and plaques.

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