Lonn Parker
Lonn Parker
1970 to Present
Hopi looking designs, channel inlay
Where were you born at and where did you go to school at?
I was born in Denver Colorado. I went to school in Utah. My mother, my sister and brothers all still live there. After High School I enlisted in the Marines and was station in California. It is there I meet my wife Lonie we have three boys.
How long have you been into your motorcycles?
I was about eleven when I started out on dirt bikes. I have been a motor enthusiast since then. My wife and I enjoy attending bike rallies all over the country.
Your jewelry is unique. How do you come up with the design?
I am a self taught artist my inspirations goes back to a child. I started in the Indian jewelry industry when I was eleven years old. Beauty has no barriers and the visions of the jewelry are a blessing to me.
Are you passing the art down to any of your boys?
My boys all make jewelry but, my son Chase is designing jewelry. Chase is a graphic artist which helps him make very interesting pieces. His work can be seen in magazines already.