Sleeping Beauty Turquoise in Calvin Martinez Cuff Sleeping Beauty Turquoise in Calvin Martinez Cuff

The Sleeping Beauty turquoise mine is located in Globe, Arizona. It derives its name from the Sleeping Beauty Mountain in the area and at one time was part of the Copper Cities copper operation. The mine produces a uniform light to medium blue turquoise. Because of its uniformity it has been a favorite of the Zuni Pueblo. Silversmiths there often use it in inlay, petit point and needlepoint, and matched jewelry sets.

The Sleeping Beauty mine has been one of the larger producers of turquoise in the country, although today less good turquoise is being produced than in the past.

Sleeping Beauty has never been considered a hard turquoise and it has never been talked about in that same sense as many of the classic Nevada mines. But its beautiful clear blue colors mirror the blues of the sky and makes Sleeping Beauty, in every sense of the word, a true "Skystone."

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