Perry Null Trading Company, which was formerly the Tobe Turpen Trading Company, has been associated with Gallup, New Mexico since the 1930s. It's the perfect stop for your Native American Art Tour Bus Group when visiting this scenic and historic area.
Trading Posts have served the Navajo, Zuni, and Hopi Reservations since the 1800s. At one time the Indian Trader was the only connection for the Navajo to the outside world. This dependency on one another carries over to today, and it appears the partnership will last into the future.
Perry Null Trading Company is a full-service Trading Post with two businesses in one. We have the pawn counter that functions as a bank and fills the Post with a live trading atmosphere. You will also find a large selection of new and old Native American handmade crafts for sale to the public.

We have a large parking lot, perfect for your tour bus, public restrooms, and a friendly staff to make your visit a pleasurable one. You will also receive a tour through the Trading Post by Perry Null and get a first hand look of how we function. Perry himself gives an oral history of Pawn and the Trading business.

So, make sure you think of the Trading Post Tour at Perry Null Trading Company next time your tour group comes through Gallup, New Mexico. We offer a discount off purchases and give each member of your group a Trader Token as a gift of appreciation. It will add at a unique touch to your tour and leave your customers satisfied and give them wonderful memories of this special Southwest area.
Call (505) 863-5249 or email to arrange a tour bus visit, we are excited to see you here.