Lone Mountain Turquoise

The Lone Mountain turquoise mine is located in Esmeralda County, Nevada, not far from Tonopah. It has been one of the great producers of Nevada turquoise. The color ranges from a beautiful clear blue to a dark blue spider web. Lone Mountain has always been noted for holding its color. To this day jewelry can be found that was made in the 1930’s or 1940’s with Lone Mountain turquoise just as blue as when it was made.

The mine was claimed by Lee Hand in 1920 first as the Blue Jay Mining Lode and later, after seeing that so many mines had been named Blue Jay, Hand changed the mine’s name to Lone Mountain. In 1927 at a depth of about 40 feet Bert Kopenhaver, who had leased the mine from Hand, found the beautiful spider web turquoise material that made Lone Mountain one of the top mines in the Southwest. Today, Lone Mountain’s beautiful blue spider web still gives Lander Blue, the most valuable turquoise in the world, a run for its money. The mine has continued to change hands over the years and even now a small amount of good material is being produced.

Another rare occurrence has been the "fossil turquoise" found in this mine. Plant fossils and sometimes seashells that have dissolved away leaving only the cavities were filled with turquoise deposits. Turquoise nuggets in moss agate have also been found.

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